Learn About Alternatives To Bankruptcy With The Best Credit Counseling in McKinney, Texas

 If you are drowning in debt and want a way out, you are in the right place.  For many people in Texas, there comes a time like this when there is little help from banks, lenders, friends, or even family to get out of debt.  It previously happened during the great recession at the end of the last decade for the bankruptcy to peak with 1.6 million filings in 2010.  Bankruptcy filings decreased until the Pandemic now to increase the number of cases to 774,940 in 2020.  In 2020 alone, bankruptcy filers owed over 86 billion dollars but had assets only of 56 billion dollars, primarily real estate holdings of which the value is debatable. The economy is a perfect storm rendering millions jobless and plunges them into debt.  As far as the Pandemic is concerned, the second wave has not caused tremendous damage to lives and livelihood as the first wave of the deadly virus, but it still has repercussions

If you are one of many struggling with overwhelming credit card debt and personal loans, then Debt Relief in McKinney or debt consolidation in McKinney can help. Talk to a reputable company providing credit counseling in McKinney, Texas, for alternatives to bankruptcy. 

Lower your credit card debt payments with credit counseling in Mckinney Texas

Generally, there are three options for debt consolidation in McKinney.  The first option is a debt consolidation loan to lower your interest rates and provide one monthly payment instead of several. You must have a very good credit score and plenty of income to qualify. You can also consolidate debt with credit counseling.  Since these programs do not require a new loan, you will not need a good credit score. Credit Counseling Texas using a debt settlement program can negotiate your debts for much less than you owe.  This is usually the most affordable type of program. 


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